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RE: Idle Block Learn Cell ??

>While doing some tuning this weekend, I decided to work on the
>idle.  It's been running
>51kpa/800rpm with 4/108/100 cell/blm/int.

ha .... that's exactly what was happening on my 1990 IROC after I swapped
cams.  I went into the VE table (lower RPMs) and decreased the areas from
700-900RPMs at 50-60kpa.  Worked like a charm for me.  I used TunerCat.  In
TunerCat for the 730 ECM there wasn't anything specific for the BLM Cell
numbers.  FYI, I was using an AUJP chip too.  What program are you using to
tune the fuel curves??


I went into the lower
>VE table (aujp) and around
>800rpm/51kpa I pulled fuel out, which had no effect on my idle!
>So I checked around the ANHT hac
>and there is a setting for which cell to use at idle.  It was set
>to 4, and I had assumed
>something else, so I was wrong there.  But 4 is *not* where 800/51
>is located.
>Why would I want to use cell 4 for idle?
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