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Somewhat off topic: WTB: Old Laptop

I've been looking locally for an older laptop to use with some of these
wiz-bang programs that'll read the serial data and tell me what's going
on under the hood.  I haven't been real successful finding one locally. 
Anyone here have one they'd like to part with?  I'd also consider buying
any software licenses for items such as TunerCat et al.  About the only
thing I'd like to have hardware wise is a 9 pin serial port (duh) and a
100 MHz processor, since the laptop would most likely see double duty
every now and then.  Thanks for the bandwidth.

D. Barry Stubbs                                    http://surf.to/z24man
(912) 745-9429                                     AOL IM: thez24man
z24man@earthlink.net          BNet Member #828     ICQ #5409648
#101DSP MidGa Region SoloII   94 Q4 5spd Aqua Z26  88 2.8 5Spd White Z24