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Re: Idle Block Learn Cell ??

I was just curious... I have no emmisions equipment present and all disabled.


--- Len Sabatine <sabatine@epix.net> wrote:
> At 10:50 AM 6/13/00 -0400, you wrote:
> >| There is a bit in the anht_hac that says something about disabling "CCP" 
> >at i
> >| dle, is CCP a learn
> >| mode?
> >
> >I believe your referring to the "charcoal canister purge"
> >
> >john gwynne
>    For general information , insuring the purge valve is operating 
> correctly and
>   Charcoal Canister Purge isn't loaded or has a  crusted vent filter is always
> wise before fuel calibration is judged the culprit. We have seen deteriorated
> CCP s actually deposit charcoal into the fuel tank . It's all related and bears
> careful diagnosis. "The other guy doesn't always have all the problems !"
>   Len



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