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Re: General tuning question - fuel economy

On Wed, Jun 14, 2000 at 12:27:35AM -0400, Bruce Plecan wrote:
> Ya, but you'll get best econpmy at what 92 MPH?.
> Hahahaha
> 50% OD, gad zooks
> Grumpy

Best economy on the ZF is probably around 45 mph... ball park 1100 rpm.

Or you can just say "screw it" and get 25 mpg by driving 85 mph at a
little less than 2000 rpm.


  Marc Randolph     -    mrand@pobox.com    -     PGP keyID: 0x4C95994D
     If you have any info on the mid-60's car called the Bill Thomas
       Cheetah, or know anyone that might, please contact me.