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RE: ALDL <--> PC interface

The 2 transistor circuit is cheap and cheerful, and works just fine. There 
was a short discussion on the list a month or two ago, during which it 
transpired than even GM use a similar circuit in-house.

Malcolm Robb, LC 0112G

-----Original Message-----
From:	D. Barry Stubbs [SMTP:z24man@earthlink.net]
Sent:	Thursday, June 15, 2000 4:00 AM
To:	gmecm@diy-efi.org
Subject:	ALDL <--> PC interface

Step one complete:  got a laptop the other day, and I've downloaded a
few things here and there to play with.  I was HOPING that the ALDL
interface was something that could be used via the RS232 without
transformation... BZZZZZ, wrong!

I've been poking around here:


And looks like I would try the two transistor interface.  But, before I
go into this, I'd like to seek other's opinions on what they are using,
the ease of construction, and its functionality.  My priorities are (1)
functionality, (2) price and (3) parts availability.  I don't give a
rat's patootee about looks.

D. Barry Stubbs                                    http://surf.to/z24man
(912) 745-9429                                     AOL IM: thez24man
z24man@earthlink.net          BNet Member #828     ICQ #5409648
#101DSP MidGa Region SoloII   94 Q4 5spd Aqua Z26  88 2.8 5Spd White Z24