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Re: Diacom help
>Hello! My '89 chevy beretta 2.8l 5 speed manual trans failed emmissions
>test (high CO, they say it means my car is running rich), so now I get to
>learn about diagnosing cars. I borrowed a diacom+
>setup, so I don't have much experience using it. I've got a few
>questions: When I drive, the Engine Cranking Speed changes! What gives?
>Could Diacom be mis-interpreting the ALDL data? Also I never see the
>Park/Neutral Switch, 3rd Gear Switch, and 4th Gear Switch change. I
Well, I can explain the park/nuetral switch...being that you don't have one.
However, some cars use that pin to monitor the clutch engage/disengage.
Also, I've heard of GM using Auto proms in the manuals... I wonder if that
would screw up Diacom a little.