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Re: BPW and Cylinder Vol.?
- To: gm ecm mailing list <gmecm@diy-efi.org>
- Subject: Re: BPW and Cylinder Vol.?
- From: Pat Ford <pford@qnx.com>
- Date: Thu, 15 Jun 2000 09:52:01 -0400 (EDT)
Where will the anded sram appear in the memory map. Does the ve tables get copyed and read from there "automagically"?
Previously, you (Scot Sealander) wrote:
{ Mike Rolica wrote:
{ > hmmmm will it work on a 165 and a 730????
{ Both the '730 and '749 have the unpopulated SRAM location. So it will
{ work there. The 165 is a little different. Since the case has a lot of
{ empty space in it, I would add and small board with an edge card
{ connector
{ to the ECM. This could hold a 32kx8 Zeropower SRAM and you could alter
{ anything you wanted on the fly.
{ > if ya wanna give away any more details get me off list ;)
{ > how would you interface between the ram and the laptop to read and write..
{ > or even just read?
{ I use an old Grid laptop, and the MAX232 cable. Just write a ALDL mode
{ 2
{ command to read the mem locations.
{ Scot Sealander
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Pat Ford email: pford@qnx.com
QNX Software Systems, Ltd. WWW: http://www.qnx.com
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