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RE: MAF use and calibration

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-gmecm@diy-efi.org [mailto:owner-gmecm@diy-efi.org]On Behalf
Of NickG
Sent: Thursday, June 15, 2000 11:56 PM
To: mrolica@meridian-mag.com
Cc: GM ECM List
Subject: MAF use and calibration

The '165 ECM is setup to use an 8-bit value for the MAF reading, whose max
is 255gms/sec. To double this, you only need to add 1 bit, for 9 in total,
not 16. Going to 16bits would increase the range by 256 (not 2).

 well that is a givenn:) but it is a little easier to go 16 bit as opposed
to 9 bit.. he he

but what would ya do with the extra bits :)   (i was thinking making the
table have finer resolution.. but you then run into the problem bruce
noted... the spikes and surges of the varying output of the maf....

> I'm working on that right now by adding a table like the ve on the 730

Please let us know how it turns out. Inquiring minds want to know :)


ps. could you look into turning off the MIME encoding when posting to the
list? Thanks :)
 umm the mime is off all plain text here.... i emailes orin and he said
every thing was fine and that it was some other thingy with the mail
server??  i dunno....