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RE: Improper DIY_EFI behaviour

Since I haven't recently subscribed I don't know if you are doing this but a
canned letter acknowledging your subscription and a request that you read
Prog 101 and TuneTips.doc would be great!  Everybody gets pointed there!  Oh
yeah, with very precise links to the files too, for us dummies! ;-)

Also, the FAQ would be GREAT!  For a true newbie the archives are a bit
overwhelming.  I didn't even know what to search for when I first began, now
I am beginning to get a grasp on it all!

-----Original Message-----
From: Bruce Plecan [mailto:nacelp@bright.net]
Sent: Friday, June 16, 2000 3:51 PM
To: diy_efi@diy-efi.org; gmecm@diy-efi.org
Subject: Re: Improper DIY_EFI behaviour

I hate to load more on to SteveR's back (for posting) but maybe it's about
time for a FAQ, and we'll just point to that for so many redundant
questions.  And, hopefully not have to do that, though at times it's really
hard not too.

> There is altogether
> too much bogus info on this list that is passed off as being worthwhile,
> and perhaps it is time for those of us who know better to stomp on some of
> it more emphatically!