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Re: BIN uploaded

Thanks for the info bruce - i guess i am going to get tunercat, i have a 8625 
and the stock chip for my 93, a 7747 in my 94 and a spare memcal for it.  I 
also guess a burner is in order, I would like to try for under 150 bucks if 
possible.  My only computer at this point is my entirely too modern to screw 
up p3 450 (doenst go in the garage.  I thinks thats all I need to get rolling 
- any suggestions.

Thanks for listening to my electroyappin!
Ryan Hampl - a K-State Grad!    kasaryan@aol.com
139 Hoover Ct.                  Controls Engineer (tubes rule!)  
Salina, KS  67401               97 B12 / 86 V65 / 93chevy truck EFI 383
phone  (785) 825 5831           I'M ALWAYS FIRST TO THE GROCERY STORE!