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Re: Dwell meter on injectors
> ok, i have a dwell meter, ive never used it on anything before.. how do i
> use it on the injectors? looks like two alligator clips, onepositive ,
> negative... I heard something aboutputting the positive on the injector
> driver coming outof the ecm, and just grounding the negative.. yea or nay?
> secondly, once its hooked up, how do I read the thing.. Instructions for a
> dummy would be appreciated, remember ive never used thisbefore.. looks
> it has a line for 4 cyl, 6cyl and 8cyl on the gauge readout thing.
Doesn't matter what scale your on since you approximating anyway.
Just to pick some number
on 4 cyl its a 90d scale
45g of dwell = 50% DC
Also, can go with red on power, and black to driver
If ya wiind up with things backward it's easy to go
Just at WOT should be very high or low on meter
This is written rather genericlly so can be understood for like any solenoid
> Thanks
> Pablo