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Re: '84 G-body with carbureted CCC

> I drive an '84 Chevy El Camino, factory 305 with "Computer
> Command Control" and E4ME QuadraJet carburetor.  Carb has a
> TPS and a mixture-control solenoid, that limits the opening of the
> fuel rods in their jets.  The solenoid energizes to close the rods in
> the jets.  The ECM tries to use this to keep the mixture as lean as
> possible for economy and emissions.
I would like to
> transplant the TBI system from a wrecked '87-'91 pickup into the El
> Camino.
> 1. I know the ECM will have to be swapped.  The two ECMs simply
> are not the same.  For instance, the one the car has does not have
> nearly enough connectors for a "747" ECM to work.

Yes it does, If you got to the 1227747 ecm it's almost a wire for wire
splice deal.  The Service engine light operates backwards thou, so you need
to delete the SES driver box (little grren box).  Get a wiring diagram for
your car, and said pickup, and write it all out a few times to make sure you
got it

> 1.a. The ECM wiring harness will have to be swapped, but it's
> accessible.
> 2. The car already has EGR solenoid, AIR solenoid, TCC hookup,
> EST distributor, coolant temp sensor, BARO sensor, VSS, O2
> sensor, and MAP sensor.  I checked, and the values my O2, MAP,
> BARO and VSS give are what a "747" would seem to expect.

747 usses no baro, and you'll need the donor's MAP sensor.

> So most of the sensors would seem to be covered.  Of course the
> throttle body will have a TPS, and will need wires for injectors and
> IAC.

If you poke around, you can use some exiting wires for various other things.

> Electric fuel pump... got that covered, I think.  Plumbing a return
> line into the tank will be a small challenge (OK, a big one - I have
> no clue).

Look close you might not have to weld anything to do this

> I suppose my questions are twofold: are there any "gotchas" I'm
> about to walk into unknowingly?  I know I'll need an ECM and the
> *complete* engine harness, including all connectors, to make it
> work, but is there something obvious, besides the fuel pump, that
> I'm missing?

Have to change oil pressure senders
> Second, will the performance from the injected engine pay me back
> for the time, money and effort?  Can I reasonably expect *any* gas
> mileage increase?  Engine's dead stock, good compression,
> cranks easy.  The car gets about 14 mpg with an easy foot in town
> and 20 mpg on the open highway.  I know I should expect *instant*
> throttle response compared to what I'm used to, but what about
> gas mileage?

Depends on how you tune it, tuned well I'd expect better then that.
Look around for cross fire x fire and programming 101.
I put a x fire on my 84 Firebird, and while not stock ran mid 13s
> Thanks.
>    - Jared Ryan [gerhardr@yahoo.com]
>   ICQ #8547412 Yahoo! Pager gerhardr
> "Lead, follow, or get out of the way."
