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Re: '84 G-body with carbureted CCC
My ECM has a 16-pin and a 22-pin connector. Doesn't TBI use a
24- and a 32-pin connector?
Sensor return 22 1 Baro sensor signal
5V reference 21 2 TPS sensor signal
Vacuum sensor output 20 3 Coolant temp. sensor signal
Not used 19 4 AIR control solenoid
M/C solenoid 18 5 Diagnostic test term.
Not used 17 6 Not used
VSS signal 16 7 Coolant temp. sensor return
Not used 15 8 ISC switch signal
Oxygen sensor - Lo 14 9 Oxygen sensor - Hi
Dist. ref. pulse - Lo 13 10 Dist. reference pulse - Hi
EST 12 11 Ign. module bypass
A/C "On" signal J K Not used
Park/Neutral switch H L Not used
"Check engine" lamp G M ISC (retract)
ISC (extend) F N 4th gear switch
Not used E P Trans. convertor clutch solenoid
Not used D R Trouble code memory power
Ign. 1 power C S Not used
AIR switching solenoid B T EGR
Ground (to engine) A U Ground (to engine)
This is straight from my factory service manual.
- Jared Ryan [gerhardr@yahoo.com]
ICQ #8547412 Yahoo! Pager gerhardr
"Lead, follow, or get out of the way."