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Re: manifold spacers
you can use woodworking tools on aluminum
Previously, you (Tedscj@aol.com) wrote:
{ Hi,
{ This may turn out to be a really stupid question, but here goes:
{ Remember all that talk about wood carb and TB spacers? What about intake
{ manifold spacers? The reason I ask is that I might buy some Vortec heads and
{ try to adapt a TPI manifold to them. Vortec Intake ports are raised about
{ .25 inches so the old style manifolds don't mach up correctly. (Also the
{ bolt pattern is different.) I was thinking that a spacer between the
{ manifold and the heads would push the manifold up and help solve the mismatch
{ problem. But I don't have the facilities to machine anything out of aluminum!
{ Am I totally whacked, or is this a possibility?
{ Thanks,
{ Ted
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