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165 Startup learning?

Okay, it was an accident, but I changed more than one thing at a time.  This
weekend I both re-set the fuel pressure (it had decayed to 30psi from
46psi... stupid $%^@&# AFPR) AND unplugged the computer doing something
else.  I thought it was the fact that the computer was unplugged, but now
I'm not sure.  Anyway, the cold-start problem is back.  While typing this, I
realized that I have unplugged the computer before this when I pulled and
read the PROM over a month ago and it didn't re-introduce the cold-start
problem.  Here's the (brief) story.

Car is hard to start, cranks and cranks finally stumbles to a start.  Idles
crappy.  Tap the gas and it revs up good, try to hold idle still at 2k wants
to die.  Pump gas again, revs up, hold it, wants to die.  Sounds to me it
wants more fuel and the tap of the gas is like an accel. pump but doesn't
get enough to maintain idle.  So I'm sitting there pumping the gas trying to
keep it running while fumbling to get Diacom started.  Suddenly, idle jumps
up to 1k or so and it will idle on its own!!!   CLosed loop mode enable?
Finally get Diacom plugged in and it shows closed loop mode with the BLM at
160 and the BLI at 140+.  It wants a lot of fuel apparently.

Sorry for the length, but I wanted to continue a bit from earlier.  Don't
know if this is true, but it seems suspicious that increasing the fuel
pressure would cause the car to go lean and want more fuel, unless the reg
is bad.  After the key is shut-off the pressure drops instantly by about
5-10psi and then decays very slowly to zero after a couple hours.  When
running, if the throttle is cracked the gauge goes wild but will stabilize
at slightly higher pressure with the slightly wider throttle opening.
Sorry, I'm talking to hear myself talk.  I'll stop.

Steve (patiently waiting for tuning s/w)