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Re: BIN differences

| I used a BIN compare utility to illustrate the differences between two GM
| PROM images.  The first image is the one I obtained from my 1990 IROC 350.
| The second image was a standard AUJP1350 replacement chip.  The program
| reported almost 12000 differences.  In TunerCat I saw no differences.  I
| have a data file listing all the differences in these two BINs.  I also have
| the anht_hac.pdf on-hand.  How the heck do I determine where these
| differences are found?  For example, the following lines illustrate some
| differences:
| Address   90FL98    AUJP1350   90FL98    AUJP1350
| -------   ---(d)---  ---(d)---  ---(h)---  ---(h)---
|  03005       101        109         65         6D
|  03039       210        218         D2         DA
|  03056       192        200         C0         C8
|  0306B       192        200         C0         C8

These differences above 0x3000 (I assume these are relative to zero
which would be 0xb000 in the CPU memory map) are in the program
text. Since you show no differences below this, the data segment
between these bins must be the same which is why TunerCat showed no
differences (??? should have seen different id and checksum ??). A few
lines of code change can make a lot of differences in a binary
compare. I placed the software asmCode-0.01.tar.gz on our ftp site
(ftp.diy-efi.org) that will identify the real changes (i.e., it
correlates op-codes and ignores addresses of jmp's and calls that are
offset to a new location). It's not easy to use in its current
state... so I've been told... I would guess that you will find a small
change in the code that alters the way the stall recovery works.

john gwynne