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Re: MAX232 chip is...

>You will find something you can use there...

Hopefully. ;) The parts list and schematic are linked off of that page, as
well as off of http://www.mindspring.com/~amattei/assembly.htm

As another option, you can consider the LTC1383CN chip. Radioshack.com
carries it (not the retail stores, but the web site only for mail order).
It's functionally equivalent, but draws less power than the MAX232 (good for
port powering units). I am currently using the LTC chip in my interfaces
(but it definitely varies according to who has what in stock whether I go
MAX232ECPE, MAX232EPE, or LTC1383CN). Of course the most "popular" MAX232CPE
will work fine as well. If you'd like the differences spelled out, I'd be
happy to do so. :) The LTC chip is a little more expensive, but advantages
are the lower power and higher availability.

As for chip burners, the Pocket Programmer from http://www.xtronics.com
seems to be pretty popular, along with its emulator option. For the price of
my EMP-10, I could have bought the Pocket Programmer and the Emulator. :-[

Hope that helps, feel free to email me directly if you have any questions on
those ALDL interfaces, I'm happy to help.
