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Re: Improper DIY_EFI behaviour-or BS from the sidelines
- To: diy_efi@diy-efi.org
- Subject: Re: Improper DIY_EFI behaviour-or BS from the sidelines
- From: Orin <orin>
- Date: Mon, 19 Jun 2000 17:36:40 -0700 (PDT)
I have little to add to what Bruce says. I basically agree with him.
As far as I'm concerned, banning people is pointless. Sure, we can
block a particular email address, but someone really wanting to
be disruptive would just come back under an alias with some
free email account or another. It would take a court order to
get close to banning someone and I'm sure no-one has the time, money or
inclination to pursue it.
If you have a problem with something posted, let me know privately
and I'll try and deal with it without the flamefest these things
usually degenerate into.
Remember that emotions don't translate to emails and it is too
easy to write something that reads far stronger than intended
or to take something as an attack that wasn't meant that way.
And finally, though Bruce says read the archives 3x, I'd be
happy with once.
Orin, list admin.
> For those that were here for the last go around, about banning people, this
> is just a rehash of a year ago, so feel free to delete now.....
> Talk about getting things backward.
> Gar was trying to say folks some time. And you bash him?. What logic is
> there in that?.
> His language not PC, who gives a rat's ass. If you do, well pal that's
> what the delete button is for.
> Ya gonna post something as information, fine, but be willing to consede
> when wrong, or find the right answer. Kinda maybes are a waste of time.
> Wish ya had been a helper with programming 101. Post an error around here,
> and you will usually be corrected. That's one of the powers of this list.
> The problem is so much gets repeated, when reading the, tada, *reading the
> archives* would have answered it.
> Try answering the same guestion a couple dozen times and see where your at
> with things. Gee, while sitting on the side lines, you got offended, aww.
> By the way, there are some WB O2s, done by list members (or they were),
> guess what?, they also refuse to share, again that's their option. There
> are lots of folks that are with holding info., and some, go way out of their
> way at times to post a little tidbit that is really a gem.
> The noise to truth ratio, is really on the down hill slide around here
> lately, IMHO.
> The law that should be enforced is reading the archives 3x.. That would
> save all alot of time, and repeating the same ground 16x.
> Grumpy