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Re: Abbrviations General EFI

Bruce Plecan wrote:
> Any Additions?.
> Other wise it's to FAQ
> Grumpy

Async  Fuel delivery Asynchronous to engine timing (Independant of ref

C3   GM ECM using  Motorola 68xx-like processor  (1+ MHz CPU)

DE   Decel Enleanment

ECT  Engine Coolant Temp

GPS  Grams per sec

IAT  Intake Air Temp

INT  Integrator

I/O  Input/Output

IGN  Ignition

IS   Idle Speed

OL   Open Loop

P4   GM ECM using early Motorola 68HCxx-like processor  (2+ MHz CPU)

P/N  Park/Neutral

PW   Pulse Width

SynchPulse  Fuel PW with delivery tied to timing of ref pulses

TBI  Throttle Body Injection

TPI  Tuned Port Injection

TTS  Trans Temp Sensor

VE   Volumetric Efficiency

WG   WasteGate