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RE: I tire of bruce plecans childish threats
I'm not going to include any of the original post with this, because it's
too long, and honestly I didn't read it all. But, I did almost agree with
the guy at first.... Bruce does seem kind of harsh at times, and I think he
uses his sig of 'grumpy' to give him free license to be 'grumpy' when he
posts. But! I blow all that off. I've been on enough lists over the last 5
years to know it gets old answering every newbie question, and every
'know-it-all' question.... I'm sure he's not near as bad as you think. Alot
of times email is taken out of context because you might read it in a bad
mood. Anyway, I'm a big time newbie to this stuff, so anytime I get some
insight to my questions, I don't read any attitude into the replies I get,
from Bruce or anybody else. I'm thankful of the help I've received from this
list, I have done quite a bit with my Corvette since joining. Thanks to all
who help all of us 'newbies'. No, I'm not asking everyone to tune my car for
me.... give a man a fish, and feed him once. Teach a man to fish, and feed
him for life. I'm here to be taught.
Thanks everyone.
Craig M.