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Just ignore it

I have found Bruce to be nothing other than helpful at any time.  What
torques Bruce is every time someone new comes on the list and asks the same
questions (that everyone asks when they get started) or poses as an expert
when they clearly are not.
I have been on this list for 3-4 years and have never seen Bruce get in a
flame war. He only expects you to read the archives and programming 101 and
then that takes care of many of the questions.
I assure you that even though you took Bruces comments waaayy to personally
they weren't meant that way.
Bruce has used his dime to call me, been very generous with advice and stuff
in general.  He does it (As do almost every list member I have dealt with)
if they feel that you are really working to learn and understand and don't
want everything handed to you.

I don't normally respond to this stuff since the delete key is much easier.

I try to help when I can, but it takes a lot of time and as we all know
there's never enough of that.  Ask my wife how much she resents me happily
typing right now!!  ROFL!!
