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Re: I tire of bruce plecan

On Fri, 23 Jun 2000 00:57:05 -0400, olbap <olbap@mail.mia.bellsouth.net>

>...I guarantee without a shadow of a doubt i have helped more people
>than he has.
>Dont worry about me getting ignored by people because I wont ask anymore
>questions.. I see how this country club is like, and im not willing to pay
>the 'dues'

Oh gosh, this reminds me of past aeons; as Yogi would say, "It's deja vu
all over again".

Hey, ain't the hoomon race a peach? In the last week we've seen all the
way from con-artists with delusions of grandeur, to semi-conscious
pompous dweebs with delusions of sentience. Yow, wada mindf*ck.

All that follows IMNSHO, of course; and dos centavos all around :) ...

What we should ALL marvel at is really *none* of this trouble, truly,
BUT RATHER how/when we get anything done together _at all_.

"The human race, a disgrace. Humanity, insanity." {bumper sticker?]

Hey any of yous guys that have ANY form of working collaboration going
for ya with others, prize it as a mystery and anomaly of the First Kind.
Dead serious. What with overweaning pride and a modern/growing lack of
any personal integrity, not to mention outright dishonesty and malice,
it's truly a miracle that this planet has survived thus far. Forget the
atom bomb; much more likely to be knife'd in the back by the person next
to ya, in one form or another.

I consider it a counter-proof of some significance, that IF there were
alien races observing our naturally gorgeous, magnificently beautiful
"blue planet", that they would have long ago sent their Orkin Men to
clean up the place, and eradicate this pestiferous infestation of bugs
known as man-kind. At this point in the human race's stage of
"development", I consider it a transient anomaly of short duration,
which while in keeping with Darwin's understanding of fundamental
necessity, at the same time, a highly unlikely occurance, statistically
speaking, and certainly NOT likely to succeed. IOWs, a regressive,
anomalous mutation. Hey, the cockroach looks like it will outdo us as a
species, by far!! So much for the current "higher life form".

It's all way too disgusting. Think about it. Bruce is a dying man. So am
I, as well as many others of late; well, gee, I'll have to include ALL
of us in that category really, NOW WON'T I??!! So nobody's the exception
in that regard. What, besides the honor of dealing straight, talking
straight, living for the simple enjoyment of productive work and
collaboration with like fellows, is there? Your family may "love" you
because they're your blood kin, but do they KNOW you?

The friendships we make amongst ourselves here, I consider to be some of
the most valuable things on earth, even as detached as the net may seem
at times. When you get to know someone like "Grumpy", who's whole
interest is in helping make things work, and in effect, seeing others
making things work for themselves also, and thereby promoting that most
satisfying of all long-term endeavors, "productive work/collaboration",
you oughta prize that sort of contact. Not because Bruce is some kinda
"higher life form", but because the collaboration of friends is SO hard
to get into, that anyone honestly willing and eager to join in like
that, is quite frankly *the exception*. You wanna be 90's PC and call
people like that "exceptional", well go ahead and puke on yerself. :)

Someone coming along as a newbie, and DEMANDING attention, solutions, a
warm cuddle before bedtime, AND 'respect', is just STUPIDLY ignorant of
how valuable an opportunity they're pissing down the drain. High up
there on the list of favorite "Darwin's Flushes".
