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UBB forum, was Re: I tire
olbap wrote:
> This list has great
> people but i think its timeto step up to a UBB forum and a decent webpage
> (like you know, step into the 90s) and yeah im probably stepping on alot of
> toes cause some of you are stuck in the past and simply must have a mailing
> list and crappy web page (small pond?)
A UBB forum? Ack! That's just a toy full of dot-com flash and no
substance. The threaded e-mail reader built into Netscape Communicator
is much better at handling messages. With true e-mail, you can review
messages at the speed of your local machine. With UBB, you have to wait
on the host computer for everything.
> As for pushing for a faq or searching the archives etc... rome wasnt built
> in a day but it didnt take 10 million years either.
Download the archives and do the searches locally on your machine. Yes,
it'll take a while to download. Once downloaded, you'll be able to
search at warp speed. On my system, a simple text search of the entire
archives doesn't take long. To make it even faster, I could load the
archives onto a RAM disk and really fly.
Ludis Langens ludis (at) cruzers (dot) com
Mac, Fiero, & engine controller goodies: http://www.cruzers.com/~ludis/