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Re: SD (was UBB forum, was Re: I tire
Peter Gargano wrote:
> Who/What is this Scoggin-Dickey stuff anyhows, surely it's a joke?
S-D is a GM dealership located in Lubbock, TX (about 2 hours south of
me). :) They're trying to become a big time parts player as well,
bringing stuff like the rumored Vortec head TPI intake manifold to
market... Will they succeed? I don't know. I don't buy anything from
them, 'cuz then I'd have to pay sales tax on it. Easier to buy mail
order from Ohio and pay less.
Now don't go bad mouthin' Texans, otherwise I'll sick a kangaroo on your
Aussie tail. ;^)
Cheers, (just kidding, Peter!)