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Re: Archive idea
Bruce Plecan wrote:
> Any one got a freeware easy to use search program so that when someone
> downloads a copy they can set up there own archive search so we don't have
> to keep repeating thing so much?.
Heard of GREP? See if you can find one somewhere (or see later).
I use a small Dos GREP:
GREP COM 6,979 08-29-88 5:00a
That's 7 k bytes (not Megabytes), and it's a command line program.
Notice the date too! It's correct! It worked back then, and it still
works, of course you have to be conversant with Dos to appreciate how
useful this program is (and just to scare you even further, those Unix
techo people just love GREP!)
Here's the "help screen":
Turbo GREP Version 1.1 Copyright (c) 1987, 1988 Borland International
Syntax: GREP [-rlcnvidzuwo] searchstring file[s]
Options are one or more option characters preceeded by "-", and optionally
followed by "+" (turn option on), or "-" (turn it off). The default is "+".
-r+ Regular expression search -l- File names only
-c- match Count only -n- Line numbers
-v- Non-matching lines only -i- Ignore case
-d- Search subdirectories -z- Verbose
-u- Update default options -w- Word search
-o- UNIX output format Default set: [0-9A-Z_]
A regular expression is one or more occurrences of: One or more characters
optionally enclosed in quotes. The following symbols are treated specially:
^ start of line $ end of line
. any character \ quote next character
* match zero or more + match one or more
[aeiou0-9] match a, e, i, o, u, and 0 thru 9
[^aeiou0-9] match anything but a, e, i, o, u, and 0 thru 9
As you can see, it's Copyright, but as Borland (or whoever owns them now)
is giving away C++, then I'm sure they wouldn't mind people using this
program - I have taken the liberty to place it in:
I use it to "search the archives" locally by using the command line:
c:\archive_directory> GREP -in "search text string" diy*.txt
this searches all the DIY*.txt files for the "search string text" and shows
the line number it occured at and the text of that line. I then GO TO that
line with my DOS (=Brief) text editor.
I know this scheme is not to everyones liking, but it works! And it's often
quicker than waiting for some fancy GUI to display a zillion "hits"!