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Re: State/Federal Tax - was Re: Scoggin-Dickey

 Canada got a GST to replace a crap load of other taxes and guess 
what, none of the other taxes was scrapped!!! 

Previously, you (Peter Gargano) wrote:
{ Andrew Mattei wrote:
{ > 'cuz then I'd have to pay sales tax on it. Easier to buy mail
{ > order from Ohio and pay less.
{ Hmm, Australia is getting a Goods and Services Tax (flat 10% that
{ will replace a range of sales taxes), from 1st July, but it's a 
{ Federal Tax ('tho the states get the proceeds). I guess your fed's 
{ consider state tax discrepancies don't skew trade enough to warrant 
{ intervention (or does it boil down to a fed/state separation of powers 
{ issue?)
{ > Now don't go bad mouthin' Texans, otherwise I'll sick a kangaroo on your
{ > Aussie tail. ;^)
{ Yeah! You better watch out, I'll stick a wombat where it hurts   =:^?
{ Peter
{ PS. EFI content = I've been doing some GM 160 baud ALDL -> serial comms
{ work. It's pretty simple really. More details when I've written it up.
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Pat Ford                           email: pford@qnx.com
QNX Software Systems, Ltd.           WWW: http://www.qnx.com
(613) 591-0931      (voice)         mail: 175 Terence Matthews          
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