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My dads 94 we also found that the cap would get moisture in it.. seem
factory 94 caps had allot of probles.. would develop small cracks in
them.... Also to eliminate some hesitation, set the timing at 6 deg btdc
instead of the recommended 0 deg...... 
Mike Rolica
Plant A,
Magnesium Products Division

(519)-245-4040  Ext. 265

	-----Original Message-----
	From:	Todd Burkard [SMTP:toddburkard@pcmc.com]
	Sent:	Tuesday, June 27, 2000 11:59 AM
	To:	<
	Subject:	TBI SPACER ?

	I put a Spacer under my TBI on my 94 GMC K1500 the other day and now
I get a hesitation when I mat the Gas to the floor any Ideas? I was going to
look at the timing to make sure it was set correctly to start with because I
never looked at it from the day I bout the truck and I can't find that
little Tan wire you disconnect for setting the timing. I found it on the 88
I used to have and it isn't in that spot. Any ideas where they hide it now?
Another thought I had was maybe a clogged fuel filter (90000 on the original
one) ? Would a bad U-joint possibly cause enough bindage?

	Things I have looked for was vacuum leeks and I also have ran a tank
of injector cleaner through and also sprayed it out with Throttle body
cleaner. At first I thought the Tranny was slipping but I watch the tach and
it didn't go up till the tires started to squeal. I put new plugs in last
summer when I put the headers on and it had a new cap, rotor, and plug wires
put on 30000 miles ago, haven't pulled the cap off to check for corrosion or
cracks though.


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