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Duty Cycle and VE ??
I'm very confused right now. I have my VE's around 2000 rpm set to 99%, but at 50+ kPa it runs
lean, really lean (at 1900-2100rpm I get 60-100mV continually). My injector constant is set to
38lb/hr and i'm now running 65psi fuel pressure, so I should bump my constant up to correct.
I've looked through the archives for duty cycle math, but i'm still not clear on it. I need to
figure out if i'm maxing out my injectors or if my VE could possibly be over 99%? I know that
full-throttle at 50psi FP/5000 rpm was around 10ms PW and around 850-900mV.
Could this be caused by an ignition timing problem?
p.s. 730/aujp/468cid/NA/525ish HP/38lb injectors
Trains, Trucks, and EFI at http://www.trailrunners4x4.org/users/realsquash