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Re: BPW and Cylinder Vol.?
I've been trying this method (14.7, CL, tune from int/blm). It can be done to rough in the ve
tables, but it seems that the integrator is slower to respond than I first thought. I got my
tables roughed in and disabled CL per suggestions. After about one day of driving, logging,
burning, I had really good tables.
I suggest the OL method after my experiences over the last couple of weeks. The difference to me
is the speed of the feedback, the O2 sensor is instant reading of lean/rich.
--- Shannen Durphey <shannen@grolen.com> wrote:
> Funny what you can find by reading through old mail...
> So you're disabling CL and watching the O2 values to determine
> rich/lean?
> How about Roger Heflin's suggestion to set 14.7 AFR and leave CL
> enabled, using BL and INT as guidelines?
> Shannen
> rrauscher@nni.com wrote:
> >
> > To force open loop, set the enable temp to the max value. For
> > tuning the VE tables, also set the open loop afr ratio to 14.7.
> >
> > On the '747 there are two tables to change, one for the afr
> > vs. temp., and the other is afr vs. map. In this manner, you
> > can then 'discover' what the ve is at each point in the table.
> >
> > This is really tuning in reverse, but hey, it works <g>.
> >
> > BobR.
Trains, Trucks, and EFI at http://www.trailrunners4x4.org/users/realsquash