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intake robbery - was Re: Tailpipe Probing of EGO

Garfield Willis wrote:

>       ... I've never seen EVER any plugs that pointed to the fabled
> "intake robbery". I've heard it's a problem on the Mini's with siamesed
> intakes, ...

In the case of the Mini, David Vizard will tell you it's not the
siamesed ports in the head that causes mixture imbalance, but that
the intake manifold required for a single dual choke carb ends up with
a differing inlet path geometry for each of the siamesed pairs (because
most dual throat carb's throat separation is smaller than the head's
inlet port separation). This causes fuel, that is never completely mixed 
with its transporting air, to have a more direct path to one cylinder 
than the other - hence one cylinder of the pair runs richer.
