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Re: How to send
This was true of the old server, may not be true anymore. Give
a shout to Orin, he'll probably know.
Bruce Plecan wrote:
> I thought the list allowed up to 40K postings.
> I had a 37K posting,but it must be lost in hyperspace.
> Any one venture a guess, why a 37K got lost?.
> No, I don't want it posted at the FTP.
> Part of it is so much of what I've tried to do is getting posted at too many
> sites, and I get too many questions from folks who want me to tune their
> cars over the net.
> So far I've given exactly three places permission to post *my stuff*, and
> it's way past that.
> Most of what I do it related and someone just doing snippets is taking it
> out of contents and can really foul up the intent and meaning.
> Thanks
> Bruce
> But, gettin Grumpier