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Re: New Definition Update
rr wrote:
> Nothing I hate worse about the English language,
then words
> that sound exactly the same, but have different
meanings. Please
> change 'through' to 'threw', thank you. . . (now
i'll go stand in the
> corner for a couple minutes)
The thing most people (on this list) get wrong is:
there -- There is my new Corvette. There,
there, settle down.
their -- Their new Corvette is great. They are
clueless drivers.
they're -- They're clueless on how to drive that
there's -- There is a nice Corvette, and there's
theirs -- Smiths have a Corvette. Theirs is
better than mine.
Bruce over there with John has their new Corvette.
They're both
crazy that there's a faster one than theirs.
Then there's the then/than thing/thang...
If it's faster than theirs then there's a solution as
they're their
own best tuners.
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