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persnickety '747s

VE tables look good, spark tables looking good, and it's time
to do some wot tuning. So, you say you keep adding PE spark,
but all you get is sloggy accel, hmm, fuels there, where's the spark?

In order for PE spark (and hi-way spk), to be added, the ESC
test, err 43, needs to be run first, successfully. This is the tough
part, as during PE, it adds it's timing, and looks for knock. Who
the heck would want gobs of timing added, during hard accel,
trying to cause knock, whenever the ecm feels like it?! Not only
that, but the added timing only lasts a short period of time. And
if there is no knock, then you still won't get your PE spark.

Kinda like a quick burst of power, then, slooggg. This might be
fine for the 'ole k van, but not for things that go rump-rump-
rump in the middle of the night.

On top of that, if burst knock is enabled, the test for err 43
never runs, never get the PE or hi-way spark.

Ok, lets do something about it. Once err test 43 is run and
the requiste knocks have been detected, bit 7 of ram location
0x0A is set. This is the bit that the PE and hi-way spark routines
check. Don't like that wot delay stuff with the temp windows
and rpm's either? Lets patch them both.

First off, kill the err 43 ESC test, at location 0x50F, clear b7.

Now we add a small patch that bypasses the delay stuff, and
sets b7 of RAM 0x0A:

dbd5                           ORG $DBD5

dbd5 96 0a              LDAA $0A  ; status word, ram
dbd7 8a 80              ORAA #$80  ; set b7, ESC done completed OK
dbd9 97 0a              STAA $0A  ; save status word
dbdb 20 12              BRA LDBEF  ; skip rest of PE delay

dbef                           ORG $DBEF


In other words, in the bin, starting at hex address BD5, enter:

    96h, 0Ah, 8Ah, 80h, 97h, 0Ah, 20h, 12h

(old vals: 96h, 21h, B1h, D2h, CAh . . .)

The value in the bin at 0x02A is the PE spark decay value,
I set this to 0.

That's it, now the PE spark is there when you need it.
