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Re: PI closed loop algorithm for 1227747 ECU?
I've out of town and away from my e-mail, but I wanted to say thank you for
the information. I've burned an EEPROM as follows:
Prop tables at $4a8 & $4c7 have been reduced by 2/3 (since the
displacement, and hence fueling requirement, of my engine is about 2/3s of
the GM unit). I have suspected the PI overshoot you mentioned for some
time (the O2 cross count frequency has been well over 10 Hz).
Increased $48f int time delay table by 1.5 (since the the distance from the
TBI to the O2 sensor in about 50% longer than a stock GM V8 - those 4-2-1
headers are quite long)
Set $2f9 to 1
Set IAC table at $5c7 up + 1
Enlean table at $3fa to $80 (go big block)
So far it seems to run perfectly. No trace of surging or other
badness. Tailpipe backfire virtually eliminated (pleasant little burble
now)! I haven't put on many miles, so things may converge to other values
where things don't work as well as time goes on (this has happened
before). The idle still hunts a bit, so I'll work on that. But it looks
good so far.
Thanks again,
PS - As for the distributor, I'm working on that too. It turns out that an
early 70's large cap GM HEI unit will fit this engine if you change the
drive gear. I have one with the correct gear. I've also figured out that
the ECU-controlled ignition module from a 90 Corevette will fit in this
distributor (with a little re-tapping of mounting holes). As near as I can
tell, this module should talk to the '747 (alternatively I could mount the
"correct" module outboard of the distributor but that would look
messy). The ESC and knock sensor modules are a different story. I know
that each set is "tuned" for the engine block application. The aluminum
block on my engine will have totally different characteristics from that of
a stock GM unit. Is it possible to use the ECU controlled spark without a
knock sensor (assuming one is careful about advance curves, etc).
At 11:01 AM 7/4/00 -0400, you wrote:
>For the cl idle, reduce the prop gain at 0x2f9 to 1. Might also
>want to go to a larger vac line to the map. A 1/4" line helps
>when engine is cam'd.
>If the idle is osc due to iac movement, increase (slightly!), the timer
>vals at 0x5C7 through 0x5CA.
>Should have a GM O2 sensor, the response time matches the
>the PID loop better.
>Prop gains. May need to be reduced, tables 0x4A8 & 0x4C7. Prop
>gains are interesting, they always work to bring the O2 val in the
>opposite direction, it lean, prop adds fuel, if rich, removes fuel.
>Sometimes it can be too drastic, causing over and under shoot.
>If backfire is through exhaust, there is a decel enleanment table
>at 0x3FA, big blocks have some huge numbers there. Don't
>worry about the int and blm's moving a bit, stock engines are
>the same way.
>Might be worth getting an EST distrib in there. The other
>half of the drivability is in the SA.
>Scott Lundahl wrote:
> > Hello everyone. I'm new to the list and this is my first post. I'm doing
> > an FI addition to a 1980 Triumph TR8. This is the car with the GM 215 (3.5
> > liter) cid aluminum block V8 derived Rover engine. OEM fueling for this
> > (49 State) car was via twin Zenith carbs in the usual British style. The
> > California version had Lucas (really Bosch L Jetronic) port fuel injection.
> >
> > On my car, the original Zeniths were later replaced by a good old low tech
> > Holley 4 barrel and Edelbrock Performer manifold. I added a tame to medium
> > cam and headers to perk things up a little. This setup ran OK, but lacked
> > many of the usual amenities such as a choke that worked properly, idle
> > speed control (yes this car has A/C) and so on. It was also OPEC's
> dream car.
> >
> > So I decided to add non-eom FI to the car (the eom systems have no
> > performance potential and are incredibly expensive). I chose a TBI system
> > using a 1227747 (C3 series) ECU because it interfaced easily to the current
> > setup in the car. The C3s are also easy to manipulate via EPROM (which is
> > good because I have burned many so far). This system is driven by the
> > stock (non-ESC) distributor via a buffer. A heated O2 sensor is on the
> > header collector (4-2-1).
> >
> > Anyway, I have the system in and dialed in to the point where it will run
> > with perfection when I set the ECU to run in Open Loop mode. It will run
> > well with the fuel map set for slightly lean or slightly rich. However,
> > when I set it to run Closed Loop, the system develops a light throttle
> > cruise surging (very annoying) and backfire on decel (I can almost
> > eliminated the backfire via the decel params). It also wants to oscillate
> > at idle. The BLMs tend to wander all over the place.
> >
> > Since things seem to run OK in Open Loop when fueling is slightly rich or
> > slightly lean, running at stochiometric does not seem to be the problem
> > (some engines just don't like to run there). There must be something
> > about how C.L. operation is accomplished that is causing an issue (check my
> > logic here). Therefore, I suspect that the PI parameters (gain factors,
> > time delays, etc) may not be correct for this engine (this is somewhat
> > plausible when you consider that this ECU was originally setup to operate
> > with an engine 50% larger or more than mine). Thus it operates at a point
> > that is close to instability in C.L. So, I have two questions.
> >
> > Does anyone have any suggestions / experience / solutions with a similar
> > symptoms?
> >
> > Does anyone have information on how the PI algorithm operates on this
> > ECU? I have seen such details of how the spark control algorithm works. I
> > also have the detailed hack of the type $42 (this is an incredible piece of
> > good work) but the comments in the PI section aren't quite detailed enough
> > to reverse engineer what's going on.
> >
> > Any help/suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Scott
> >
> >