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RE: BINs needed

Got asmn here.. whole chip..... you can have it for a 730 tpi memcal :-)
Mike Rolica
Plant A,
Magnesium Products Division

(519)-245-4040  Ext. 265

	-----Original Message-----
	From:	D. Barry Stubbs [SMTP:z24man@earthlink.net]
	Sent:	Wednesday, July 05, 2000 10:42 PM
	To:	gmecm@diy-efi.org
	Subject:	Re: BINs needed

	"K.E. Towle" wrote:
	> Does anybody have BINs for either of the following?          (2.8L
	> ECM)
	> ARDC4854
	> ASMN0705
	> Couldn't find either in the obvious place.
	> Thanks,

	Karl, I have here a PROM with the ARDC4854 code.  THC125 automatic
	tranny, right?  Unfortunately, I don't have a reader yet.  I could
	probably talk someone at my school into letting me use one for a
	moment.  How urgent is this?

	Anyone live near Central GA on this list?  Especially with a PROM

	D. Barry Stubbs
	(912) 745-9429                                     AOL IM: thez24man
	z24man@earthlink.net          BNet Member #828     ICQ #5409648
	#101DSP MidGa Region SoloII   94 Q4 5spd Aqua Z26  88 2.8 5Spd White
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