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Re: puzzled by almighty memcal.

Mike Rolica wrote:
> What is the little white board on top of the two chips is this the neters???
> And what are those two little chips???.

The two little chips are what Bruce calls the netres (aka resistor network).

> cause was told esc was in chip.... Is that the little white board
> with resistor coverd in hot glue goop???..


> Right now I'm using the oem chip, from a 89 cavileier, with the anht bin mod
> and burn onto the prom....

Bad idea.  The Cavalier MEMCAL is certainly for a different number of
cylinders.  The resistor network in the MEMCAL tells the hardware how
many cylinders there are.  The result is that you are firing your
injectors more often that they should be.

> Would realy like to get a memcal for v8 tpi..... what ever this thing
> does...(other than limp home mode)

Starting with a V8 MEMCAL would be a good idea.

> And the pinout of the edge card/ testport :-)))..

See my web pages.

Ludis Langens                               ludis (at) cruzers (dot) com
Mac, Fiero, & engine controller goodies:  http://www.cruzers.com/~ludis/