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Re: Inverted flight EFI? (Grumpy's inna mood) Fuel temp

On Sun, 9 Jul 2000 20:30:07 -0700, "Dave Zug" <dzug@delanet.com> wrote:

>> I could insert some humor here, but might be taken the wrong way <g>...
>Oh the last hit on the pinYata is always the most fun ;-)

Well since it's Sunday eve, the day of rest has turned to pure
unadulterated sloth, and things are a tad slow, I gotta tell ya about a
funny thing that befell me some time ago, that the above exchange
reminded me of.

I was in oneOdem discount import stores we have in Californi, I think it
was Cost Plus or some such, around Christmas time a couple years back,
and they had a bunch of those Pinata's hanging from the ceiling near the
checkout stand. Being a somewhat lanky oaf by genetic happenstance, I
bumped my head against one by accident as I walked up to the checkout.

Dunno how nor why, but at that instant I had one of those "defining
moments of extreme clarity" you always hear about, yeh?, and outta my
mouth came these words, "Oooo, Pinata Collida".

I spose you had to be there, AND be a fan of Pina Colada's in the
summertime, but somehow my life just wasn't quite as serious after that
experience. :)
