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Re: Huntington to Catalina

On Wed, 12 Jul 2000 02:20:14 -0700, Carl Summers <InTech@writeme.com>

>Ya gotta forget about the wet exhaust except it is about backpressure....and
>it is a constant vs rpm.which drives the sea pump or whatever.....I always
>verify fuel curves in the boat and it always takes less fuel........please
>forgive me for not getttin to explainative....I was just in a fight....and
>if you have ever been in one........I'm ready to go again........I gotta
>relax..........I'll be back soon......it's late here and still have ta
>splain to the girlfriend where I have been.......ttya tomorrow.......

You naughty boy, you. Well, try some ice on them knuckles so you can
type the next couple days. :)
