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RE: Huntington to Catalina

Here at Club Gmecm we don't appreciate people who take your chair at the bar
when you go to the restroom....especially when he sits and makes his
girlfriend stand. I politely inform him that this is not a finders/keepers
losers/weepers game and that I would like to sit down....I find the humor in
the f off statement and smile, walk over and get another stool, bring it
back and help his lady into it. It was a simple swift 200lb clean and jerk
as I am "explaining" that I wasn't stuttering. I don't know what came over
him after that :) he then proceeded to take 4 swings at me which were
immediately and professionally blocked...then come the bouncers......best
part of the night was after talking to the owner(friend of mine) the bouncer
that had just flown about 10ft came over and wanted to know how I did that
without hurting him...."I wasn't mad at you, sir"

Gmcm info below

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-gmecm@diy-efi.org [mailto:owner-gmecm@diy-efi.org]On Behalf
Of Garfield Willis
Sent: Wednesday, July 12, 2000 1:05 PM
To: gmecm@diy-efi.org
Subject: Re: Huntington to Catalina

On Wed, 12 Jul 2000 09:40:17 -0700, Carl Summers <InTech@writeme.com>

>    Rereading my posts from last night....wiping my face while shaking my
>head....sheesh........anyway whatya want to know????? Yes definately EFI

Well, geez looeeze don't be such a damn "sensitive new age kinda guy",
will ya. :)  You'da said the same thangs if you'da breezed into the
clubhouse after your "soiree" at the bar, wouldn't ya, eh?

One good thing, the worst that happens if you type while under the
influences, is that you might misspell and mangle a few words, but it's
damned hard to slurr your speech on the keyboard. Hee hee.

I thot it was good to see that some of the boys are still getting out on
the town. I'm afraid I'm a tad too fossilized for that these days. Sigh.

ANYWAY, what I was asking about was I know that instrumenting marine
exhausts for AFR or EGT measurement can sometimes be problematic
depending on how the cooling is setup with wet exhausts, and was asking
if you had any issues with that, but you brought up another thing I
wasted to ask about: has to do with exhaust pressures. Do you have any
numbers on WHAT the backpressure gets up to, and if it resembles in
magnitude the pre-turbo pressures (or greater?) that people worry about
when placing their WB O2 sensors. That was the one 'muti-fauceted'
question. Heh.

--------All of the marine manifolds I have dealt with have the water jackets
start about an inch from the head mounting flange so plenty of room for
EGT's....now the uego is another story....gotta be quite inventful to keep
the water away...sometimes on the high overlap stuff you gotta get the idle
as perfect as you can on the dyno as even with wet manifolds we use dry
exhaust on the dyno so not to worry about killing the sensor...I have never
checked the backpressure, I will do that on the next project...it has to be
pretty steep as once it is in the boat it is ussually 1 to 1 1/2 AFR richer
than on the dyno at WOT.

The other thing was just generally to get a mental picture of how the
engine was setup and what kind of instrumentation you had on it during
the run. You've said it was blown-intercooled, 8.3:1 CR and runs on pump
gas, and that peak HP was somewhere around 1200HP @ 5600rpm IIRC. Just
curious if you remember what/where peak torque landed? or is it
flatlined with the blower? Can you tell I don't know zip about blown

--------The torque curve is relatively flat and I try to get the peak torque
as close to 5000 as I can and prop the boat to turn the engines 5500-5600
rpm and horsepower is still climbing....The torque absorption curve in a
boat is way steeper than an automobile so although more power is gained with
more rpm the outdrives want to spit out if rpm is above 5500.....In the
boats I datalog EGT's, Intake air temp, fuel pressure, water temp and
pressure, AFR, oil pressure and temp, knock, rpm, tps, boost,etc.

Well, hope your knuckles are on the mend. If typing is somewhat
difficult for you, you can reply in a couple days when your
embarrassment and hands have mended. :)
