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RE: Chatting with a 730

 Any cahnce for source code ( I'll port it to QNX 4.25 and nuetrino for you)

Previously, you (Paul Blackmore) wrote:
{ Barry,
{ Malcom is pretty much spot on both in regards to the "idle chatter" and the 
{ checksum being probably due to data clashes on the bus.
{ Excellent Idea to try the f0,56,01,b9 command.
{ Use the command
{ c:\>probe -r  "f0 56 01"
{ Probe automatically calculates and adds the checksum b9.
{ There is also the command that attempts to listen for and display chatter, 
{ use the command:
{ c:\>probe -l
{ Probe.exe is not really designed to work in with chatter. I have designed 
{ another program called "EFIlive Diagnostics" which does work with chatter. 
{ I'll send it to you. If anyone else wants a copy let me know - its free and 
{ it lets you "play" around with all kinds of settings and combinations so you 
{ can figure out how to talk to your ECM.
{ By the way I am not familiar at all with US vehicles. The term: 730, does 
{ that by any chance refer to the Syclone/Typhoon truck?
{ The data/chatter looks similar to the SyTy stuff.
{ Cheers
{ Paul Blackmore
{ - -----Original Message-----
{ Date: Thu, 13 Jul 2000 12:37:15 +0100
{ From: "Malcolm Robb, LC 0112G" <Webmaster@lotus-carlton.fsnet.co.uk>
{ Subject: RE: Chatting with a 730
{ I could be way off base, but it looks to me that the ECU is ignoring your
{ f4,56,01,b5 request, and the replies you are seeing are actually just the
{ idle chatter of :
{ 0f,5a,00,00,c0,76,78,e9
{ 0f,5a,00,00,c0,76,78,e9
{ f0,55,bb
{ 0f,5a,00,00,c0,76,78,e9
{ The third line of this starts with f0, so untill/unless anyone else has any
{ better ideas, you might try changing your request to an f0 as well. i.e.
{ f0,56,01,b9
{ The parity errors are probably because both the ECU and the PC are
{ transmitting at the same time, because the ECU is ignoring your request.
{ Hope this helps, and that there is a semblance of truth in what I say !
{ Cheers,
{ Malcolm Robb, LC 0112G
{ - -----Original Message-----
{ From:	D. Barry Stubbs [SMTP:z24man@earthlink.net]
{ Sent:	Thursday, July 13, 2000 7:20 AM
{ To:	gmecm@diy-efi.org
{ Subject:	Chatting with a 730
{ Mr. Mattei has been extremely helpful to me in trying to get working an
{ interface between my laptop and my 730.  But I don't seem to be having
{ much luck, and was wondering if anyone could take a look at this:
{ http://www.geocities.com/z24_man/probe.txt
{ Its a 14K text file of the output from the EFLive's PROBE program.  I
{ set it for 99 iterations and logged the results.  Aside from a few
{ checksum errors (which DO concern me), I am curious if the varied
{ response length indicated is normal.  It seems to have a pattern to it,
{ so I'm not too worried, and am assuming that the timeouts and the frame
{ lengths didn't sync perfectly each time.
{ What prompted this inquiry with PROBE is that, when attempting to use
{ ALDLMON (located at http://pweb.de.uu.net/pr-meyer.h/aldl.htm ), I can't
{ seem to get it to function for me.  The message I continually receive is
{ "ECM not responding" unless I remove power from the interface, then it
{ reports "Cable or Interface not present."  So it seems to understand
{ that there is an interface there.
{ Any suggestions or ideas?  Could the checksum errors be throwing off
{ ALDLMON that severely?  Also, is there any other software out there
{ available now that'll talk to 730s?  Does the 730 need a 10K resistor on
{ ALDL pins A & B to enter 8192 comm?  As recap/supplementary, this is a
{ 730 with the ADKM prom.
{ Thanks, in advance, to all.
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