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RE: '92 Y-body LT1 bin file needed.

On Sat, 15 Jul 2000, Craig Marcho wrote:

> well, here's what I got so far...
> BDBJ4776 1992 Corvette, LT1, 3.07 rear gear, auto trans
> BDBK4779 1992 Corvette, LT1, 2.59 rear gear, auto trans
> I'm trying to help a friend who is going from 2.59 rear to 3.07. To correct
> the speedo, it's done in the chip, right? He won't need to change anything
> down by the tranny, will he?
> If you've got any other files to send, I'd appreciate it. I'm also on the
> hunt for any aftermarket bins to compare to. I've done alot of work on '85
> Corvette's but not the LT1. I've got files from Ed Wright, TPIS, and
> Hypertech for my '85 but need to know what kind of changes to do on LT1
> motors. They are just a little different than my '85!

It is plastic gears in the tranny in a 93 f-body using the same
computer, so my guess would be the 92 LT1 y-body is the same.
