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RE: 2.8v6 tpi and a 730

Or anht
Mike Rolica
Plant A,
Magnesium Products Division

(519)-245-4040  Ext. 244

	-----Original Message-----
	From:	Bruce Plecan [SMTP:nacelp@bright.net]
	Sent:	Tuesday, July 18, 2000 1:50 PM
	To:	gmecm@diy-efi.org
	Subject:	Re: 2.8v6 tpi and a 730

	> >Ya but tuner cat is kinda basic... it will not help with the dis
	> >part of the v6 oem calib.
	> >Hard to pt dis on the jimmy....been down that rout on the list a
	> >time I believe..
	> I'm not interested in putting DIS on this engine.  I just want to
use the
	> '730 the way it is used on a V8 tpi but with two less holes in the
	> block.  :)
	> I'm assuming here that a v6 2.8 DIS memcal can be reprogrammed
	> and edited to work with 6 cyclinders (kinda like how a 350 '747
tbi bin
	> be made to run on a v6 by only changing the # cyclinders).  I
guess I
	> really need to sit down and go thru the '730 hack and read it.
	> Ernst
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