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[ADMIN] Attachments

Please don't be attaching binaries, pictures etc. to messages.
They almost always get bounced by majordomo into a
backwater where they will mature for a few days
before bouncing back to the original sender or
disappearing into a black hole.

The limit is 40000 characters.
That probably means a 30k file maximum, depending
on the style of encoding your mailer uses.

If you have something you want to share, upload it
to the ftp site ( ftp://ftp.diy-efi.org/incoming )
and then post a message to the list containing the filename
or complete link.

As ever, this restriction is to save bandwidth.
It takes time for the mailer to send an attachment
to each list member and the mail queue backs up
too much too often already.


Orin, list admin.