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Re: Buick ECM Trivia
In a message dated 7/19/00 8:28:20 AM Eastern Daylight Time,
ludis@cruzers.com writes:
<< Similarly, the 1227153 and 1227148 ECMs (1986+) also contain the exact
same mask ROM code. The first is batch fire (3.0 only), the second is SFI.
But, the 153 has limited ALDL info. Is that due to the proms diagnostic bits
being limited? If this were the case, if the ROM is the same, throwing a
148's prom in the 153 should yield the data stream of a 148? Am I
misunderstanding? Would you please explain?
Jim (FA) Testa TType86 on
ASE Master Technician buick.fiendish.net:6667
L1 Advanced Engine Performance NJ Lic MV Inspector
jtesta1966@aol.com NJ Lic Emission Repair Tech
Associate Sponsor, Buicks at Bristol (RCA/JTP)