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C3 with 8192 ALDL
I believe I've found a C3 ECM which supports 8192 baud ALDL. The ECM in
question is the 1227057. It was used only in E-bodies with the 3.8 SFI
V6. In 1986 the engine RPO was LG2, and in '87 it was LG3.
While collecting data for my trivia message, I opened up a '7057
thinking it was a '7148 (the markings had been scratched off). The
internal circuit boards are similar, but not quite. The '7057 uses P4
style quad driver chips instead of the older DIP package style of the
'7148. The '7057 has an extra screw in it's case to hold the quad
driver's heat sink.
The other big difference is in the 40 pin DIPs. A '7148 contains a
26369, 23263, 51179, 51174, and a 21633. The first two are timer chips,
the second two mask ROMs, and the last is the CPU. The '7057 contains a
26369, 23263, 24007 aka CE1205, 44006 aka CE1204, and a 35997. I assume
the third and fourth are the mask ROMs and the last is a different CPU.
I disassembled the software code in the '7057's MEMPAK. It turns out
that this ECM uses a Hitachi 6303 (or 6301) MPU instead of the normal
GM-custom CPU used in so many C3 ECMs. I had to change my disassembler
to handle the extra incompatible opcodes of the 6303.
I found the ALDL tables in the '7057's EPROM. There are multiple tables
stored in the linked list format common to many early P4 ECMs! Thus,
this ECM may use 8192 baud ALDL. The 6303 contains the necessary UART.
I don't know how common the '7057 is. It's only in two years worth of
E-bodies, which I don't recognize on sight. It is possible that I've
walked past many of them. The engine looks just like any other Buick
Ludis Langens ludis (at) cruzers (dot) com
Mac, Fiero, & engine controller goodies: http://www.cruzers.com/~ludis/