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RE: EPROM manufacturer and device IDs

I found a rich resource for eproms.....heh he he

Got about 500 used eproms now....
Found out that puters use them everywhere..  so I whent to my buddies boxes
of used puter parts.. 386 and 486 motherboards use 2 256k eproms for rom
high and rom low..
Also a lot of modems and vidio card use them.. so I've started collecting
modems, video cards ect... been erasing like a bastard.. so far they all
check out fine afeter erasure...:-)
Just some info for you real cheap guys like me:-) (either that or ya can't
mail for mail order <grin>

Dad's gonna wonder why hydro bill is thru roof..

Oh btw.. before I had the eraser.... I used to go to the bank and use their
counterfit checker.. took about 20min to erase.. after trial and error... I
was told this doesn't work.. but it does!!!

He he eh ...I'm part portugues/part dutch/ and part scotch......he hye he

(I'm sure dopey is going" that's  aheluva good idea  huh hu hu hugh heolp)
while doc is smashing a 730 against his head....repeating idiot over and
over....) :-)

am I close??? Heh he

Mike Rolica
Plant A,
Magnesium Products Division

(519)-245-4040  Ext. 244

	-----Original Message-----
	From:	Ludis Langens [SMTP:ludis@cruzers.com]
	Sent:	Wednesday, July 19, 2000 6:03 PM
	To:	gmecm
	Subject:	EPROM manufacturer and device IDs

	Does anyone have a handy list of EPROM identification codes?  My new
	programmer can access, display, and check the codes, but it doesn't
	me what they mean.  I have to keep trying various manufacturers and
	device types until the programmer doesn't complain (or turn off the

	In a related matter, the EPROM codes have let me confirm several GM
	vendor codes.  980 is Texas Instruments.  5012 is Intel.  014 is
	Fairchild and National Semiconductor.

	My latest batch of GM EPROMs contained a TI 27128, two TI 27C128's,
	Fairchild 27C256, and a NatSemi 27C32B.  The 27C32B has a date code
	1992.  I have another 27C32B also from 1992.  Several other vendor
	2732 type EPROMs in my collection don't contain an ID code.  This
	they might be a 2732, 27C32, or a 27C32H.  Two of these have
	just fine as 27C32H's.  The H suffix means a 27C32 that programs
with 10
	ms pulses, instead of the normal 50 ms.

	FYI:  My old programmer couldn't program the 27C32B's.  They program
	just fine with the new one.

	Ludis Langens                               ludis (at) cruzers (dot)
	Mac, Fiero, & engine controller goodies:

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