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RE: A post from the newbie brigade - I'm getting closer (1 of man y)

	Ok it looks like all my complaining about how tough life is has
turned a few 
	sympathetic ears.  I must thank everyone on the list who has been
helping me 
	out, and I have noticed that they are mostly lurkers - just soaking
in all 
	that knowledge.

	Here is where I am at :

	1- I have read and digested Prog 101 - thanks Bruce.

	2- I have a scan tool and know how to use it.

	3 - A fellow read off my bin from the chip and mailed me another
back - 
	thanks - I'll get even with you.

	4 - Another fellow modified my bin and showed me how to read it in a

	5 - I was muttering about eproms at work and the guy in the office
next to 
	mine asked if I could do anything with this. . . . He gave me an
       s/n 200682 four-socket eprom burner to play with for a while.   Said
	couldn't find any software - can anyone help point me in a direction
for this?

		Ya got the same one....died in a flood....i'll email the
software if ya like....soon as I fiqure out what is wrong with my #%$#$%#$%$
windoz machine...

	6 - What I have noticed is that this list has about 3 different
Camps - those 
	that deal in real hairy conversations with a high level of
	information about platforms and ECM numbers and talk above some of
our heads 
	(for now),  Those (like myself) who are just starting to see the
light of how 
	all this stuff works and are now able to apply something, and
everybody else 
-	some who do this for fun/profit, or both.  Neato.

And then you get some real back yard wierdo's like me....

	8.  As soon as I have to I will get myself a hex editor (at least
once I 
	understand things so I can personalize my prom ID)

	got a few Ive collecded, most are windows based.... Can snd ya them
too... they are freeware .

	7 - Questions - Instructions or an FAQ for WinBin or Tunercat would
be nice. 
	Because I would like to know what some of the controllable variables
are and 
	how they work. . .for example . . .Main Spark bias = 10.   Does this
	that the computer adds 10 degrees to everying in the tables or
	Or does it assume that you already have 10d static (I do!), or
something even 

	8 - On transmission stuff - I have already fried one 4L60E and am
	not to repeat it again, and I see there are all kinds of things that
can be 
	modified.  Which ones should I mess with and how should they be
	MAIN LINE PRESSURE tables - It looks like big numbers at large
	openings and low speeds.  I guess more is better.  If I can stand
the shifts, 
	can I make these numbers bigger, is it percent, or an abitrary
figure.  LINE 
	PRESSURE MOD - some of these numbers are bigger and some are
negative.  What 
	does this do? does it change the PWM, and if so, does a larger or
	number equal more line pressure?  same Q with DOWN SHIFT PRESSURE
MOD.  I 
	notice that some gears have mods and some do not - why?  NORMAL
	SPEEDS and ENGINE SPEEDS.  does this mean if the either the WOT RPM
or MPH 
	are exceeded it will upshift?

	9.  Looking at a factory bin and the one Howell burned for me, I can
	exactly why it ran poorly and where.  There are fuel discontinuities
	4000 rpm, and the spark table is maxed out at 36 deg for just about
	location below 2500.  

	10. My next step - once I understand more about what I am doing, Is
to simply 
	take a factory bin and change the idle speed to 850, change the
cylinder size 
	to fit a 383, and change the IFR to 90lb/hr.  And drive it and see
	happens.  I bet it will work pretty darn good.  Can I use the
Injector Flow 
	rate as sort of a gross fuel adjuster, or should that sort of thing
be done 
	in the table. (are fuel table values in percent of something or an

	they are vE..% or volumetric eficency...THEORetically, they should
match ve of your engine.. used dyno results to rough mine in,  they made it
run but that's about it.. then it neeeded allot of tweaking.. once ya start
ya cant stop... epescially when ya see improvements..

	11.  Once I learn how - make one change at a time, document it, hot
rod it, 
	run the piss out of it and let the suggestions roll in.

	12. Ok guys - your turn!  

	Thanks for listening to my electroyappin!
	Ryan Hampl - a K-State Grad!    kasaryan@aol.com
	139 Hoover Ct.                  Controls Engineer (tubes rule!)  
	Salina, KS  67401               97 B12 / 86 V65 / 93chevy truck EFI
	phone  (785) 825 5831           I'M ALWAYS FIRST TO THE GROCERY
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