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Re: ECU Bin Bytes 0x8000-0x8008
Scot Sealander wrote:
> > Does anybody know how to decode the DATECODE and SEQNUM words?
> SEQNUM, I have no idea....
> DateCode, I suspect is this:
> 006F hex = 0111 decimal.
> Probably 0 is the LSD of year, and 111 is the Julian date.
> So 1990, and about some day in April.
Here are a sorted bunch of actual DATECODE & SEQNUM pairs (in decimal):
48:04268 57:03052 111:01615 137:00207 147:01463 148:05786
161:02836 161:03202 166:00559 182:00539 190:21795 220:01006
237:01079 237:01669 240:02127 249:01249 278:05902 349:02083
353:21480 368:05165 377:05876 389:20569 417:07343 427:00269
427:03247 440:00033 447:07718 476:00039 477:04651 489:23107
508:13873 510:20744 527:01465 557:06638 558:03027 578:32936
581:00101 589:11360 617:04603 737:12003 750:01750 767:10466
768:07474 792:01027 847:10480 942:00013 951:00305 997:03586
1020:21485 1033:00115 1068:07511 1169:33108 1169:34653 1239:05255
1247:00773 1268:30472 1286:00008 1291:00165 1478:20876 1528:07877
1568:05605 1572:20491 1579:00262 1618:07319 1689:05326 1690:12161
1747:10000 1792:11530 1919:02084 1919:03070 1976:10100 2008:00396
2009:01174 2009:01343 2158:05892 2159:07533 2188:06608 2206:32524
2266:00011 2377:04199 2387:02405 2407:00139 2419:01277 2486:06155
2500:00640 2508:00372 2519:07949 2529:01042 2570:02888 2601:00179
2639:00085 2690:01860 2760:00064 2777:01143 2829:00240 2869:00605
2937:01275 2938:20118 2981:00388 3038:22076 3039:00508 3059:07377
3077:00421 3171:00088 3197:02138 3249:00059 3256:02372 3288:13425
3340:02259 3367:00295 3376:02294 3427:02304 3436:11333 3439:00187
3459:01805 3461:11106 3467:00188 3487:32846 3510:02677 3516:10172
3521:00636 3576:05137 3578:07067 3668:22315
>From this, it looks like the DATECODE is the Julian date followed by a
digit for the year. Thus, Malcolm's example is from January 11, 1991.
Ludis Langens ludis (at) cruzers (dot) com
Mac, Fiero, & engine controller goodies: http://www.cruzers.com/~ludis/