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Re: EPROM manufacturer and device IDs
I have a simple 4 gang BK Precision 840 that it is able to read the chip
type, even oem chips (mine read as National-Semiconductor NMC27C256B) and
give speed and volts for the read chip, if this helps anyone.
Jeff M
> Ludis Langens wrote:
> >
> > My problem is that my new PROM programmer knows all about these ids.
> > However, it doesn't want to share this information. For example, lets
> > say I've got it set to "National 27C256" and the id checking is turned
> > on. I grab the next MEMCAL, plug it in, and tell the programmer to read
> > the chip. If the EPROM actually is a National 27C256, it reads it just
> > fine and I can proceed to saving the data. However, lets say it is
> > something else. The programmer will abort the read saying something
> > like: "Device Id mismatch, actual id is '8986'." It doesn't tell me
> > that 8986 is an Intel 27C256. It also doesn't automatically switch to
> > Intel mode and procede.
> I am having a similar problem with mine and have not figured it out
> yet. I did find on mine that it device descriptions that I can page
> through. The device description on mine has the list of ID's so once I
> put the PROM in and get the ID I can scroll through the available ID's
> and look for the proper ID. Not the best fix but it is a lot faster the
> selecting each and every option and trying a read.
> Matt