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RE: Considering Injector Change..

Cam,Heads, NOS, 396 stroking...
All it takes is money.. ;)

So you think 30# injectors will be about the best for me now unless I get
real crazy?

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-gmecm@diy-efi.org [mailto:owner-gmecm@diy-efi.org]On Behalf
Of timsiford@hushmail.com
Sent: Sunday, July 23, 2000 3:32 PM
To: gmecm@diy-efi.org
Subject: Re: Considering Injector Change..

Well, are you sure that you will eventually need bigger injectors???

One of the cons of running big injectors is that the flow rates at very
low PW values are questionable.  There is a physical limit to the minimal
open time where the injectors are no longer that accurate.  The value is
around 1.3ms (or so I've read and heard).  Thus, idle quality can suffer.
 But - you can tune your car yourself!  That's a big plus.  You can tune
your idle A/F ratio and alleviate the con that I mentioned above.

If you are never going to add heads and cam then I say stick with 24lb SVOs
(which are really 26lb injectors when looking at GM standards).  If you
will definitely do heads and cam then I would consider 30lb injectors.
But, you need to be 100% sure :-)  Hey, now that I think about it - that's
a great excuse!  ... ...
'But honey, I have to buy a new set of heads and a cam because my injectors
need them!'



At Sun, 23 Jul 2000 16:40:37 -0400, "Rodney Fulk" <elixir@pathwaynet.com>

>I have a currently stock '94 LT1.
>I am considering changing out my injectors for larger ones. The ones
>I have
>have over 140,000 miles on them and are likely due to be changed. I
>flowing a little more air then stock and I figured being able to throw
>fuel at the engine would be good. Especially if I decide to go with
>a NOS
>system I want the injectors to be able to handle the pressure.
>I understand I have 24lb injectors now. If I go to 30# or 36# injectors
>won't be hurting anything will I? I AM using LT1 edit and can change
>program to reflect the added injection.
>I am guessing my duty cycle will be less that way.
>But can someone tell me the pros and cons to doing this change before
>engine really needs it?
>I figure though that if I am going to buy injectors I only want to buy


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